Tuesday, September 18, 2007

State Fair


The Pepin Family said...

Cool...Evan and I enjoyed looking at all your fair pictures. He said he's not big enough for those rides. :O) He's used to being told that at Dollywood. We went last week though, and for the first time ever, he was tall enough to ride the Scrambler. He just giggled the whole time, which made it fun for the rest of us.

Anyway, looks like fun. Good pictures. Almost felt like we got to be there. I'll show the other two when they get home from school today. :)


Cheryl said...

Great pictures especially the one from the top. Though not nearly as impressive as the OK State Fair, I am looking forward to the district fair here in Melbourne next week. I get to take Emily, so it should be great. I took her last year and hesitantly bought the armband. I didn't know if she would get my money's worth, but she rode 17 times and would have kept riding all night! I don't do rides myself due to the nausea factor. Aunt C.

A'Larra Hunt said...

I figure a fair is a fair?? Same great, expensive, fatening food too, right? I ate one of those huge fried turkey legs and then I ate a corn dog!!!! Really wanted a funnel cake too, but decided I'd probably consumed enough calories for at least a day, maybe two!! I had this one really cool picture of the fair as the sun was going down, but decided to post the other instead.